Several years ago our lives took on an unexpected new dimension. To my eternal surprise I fell headlong into the unknown world of motorcycling! The beginning of all this is a longer story, but the condensed version is how I, the ultimate inexperienced rookie, agreed to take a giant leap out of my comfort zone, onto the back of a huge, intimidating adventure bike – and loved it! 

From the outset I knew spectacularly nothing about bikes, biker gear or jargon, not to mention the technique required to be a good pillion passenger, but the bug had bitten, thus began a steep learning curve.
The rest is history. Since the arrival of the first bike in 2016, “Biker-Boy Tiennie” and I have travelled many thousands of kilometres, through various countries, and experienced a multitude of adventures together!

February 2021, dodging thunderstorms during covid times, with Bike – BMW 1150GSA.  

I now consider myself slightly less of a novice, though it seems I have to overcome fears at almost every new experience, but the minimalism of this travel lifestyle and the sheer freedom of the open road have become addictive!  I started writing bike travel journals for friends and family, featuring our trips and destinations, as well as my observations, thoughts and experiences during our escapades.

I’m now moving the journal online, and this is my new travel blog right here!

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