Nomadic existence on board a bike has caused all our packing and equipment to evolve. After almost every long journey we make changes! We have invested in some good quality basics, and are constantly trying to refine and reduce, so even this current configuration is definitely a work in progress!

~ As ever, when we mention brands here, they are just the products that work for us – usually after a bit of trial and error, so just giving a shout out to the amazing and cool gadgets and gear we have managed to find!

Silver bike below, fully kitted out with camping gear and supplies for two!

Hepco & Becker Panniers and Top Box

These tough and sturdy, luggage items are locked onto the bike, and unlocked for removal. The 2 x aluminium side panniers came with the first (yellow) bike, and we later bought a matching top box. They are waterproof and very secure and safe, but we have realised that they are actually extremely heavy compared to more lightweight fabric versions. When or if we make a change, I’m wondering what we will do with our sticker collection?!

Bike perfectly packed and balanced, Darling, Western Cape………. …………Harley the cat, demonstrating Hepco & Becker topbox

SW-Motech Drybags

These two are dustproof, waterproof and a brilliant addition to our luggage. Aka “The Mobile Linen Cupboard”, the two drybags contain all our bedding as well as the camping chairs, and a set of rain gear for each of us. A solar panel sits on top, for direct sunshine charging of gadgets while on the road.

Tank Bag

An amazing invention, and a gift from our friend Mike in Kasane, this expandable bag attaches with magnets to the fuel tank. In here we put whatever valuables that do not live in our jackets, smaller loose items and a whole lot more! It also converts to a backpack for when we both have to leave the bike and walk away. Biker Boy approves of loading this bag, for centre of gravity reasons. He has even managed to stash two bottles of wine inside the tank bag when there is no space elsewhere!

Overflow and “Smuggling”

Sometimes there is just NOT enough space available, and this is where a foldup overflow backpack comes in handy, which we often use for on the road shopping.

The Biker chick’s jacket also contains at any time, a few random items that are smuggled along on board in the back pocket. Including, (but not limited to) a small fabric handbag, a string of fairy lights, and a bunch of plastic bags! Generally a surprise a minute, that category 🙂

Yellow bike festooned with smuggled fairy lights, December 2016
(Mwandi View, Chobe)