This page is dedicated to some special souls who are sadly no longer with us, but whose incredible spirits travel with us on our wanderings! I need to mention them here, as they are very much a part of our journeys – both spiritual and physical. I would say our bike travels are therapeutic in many ways.


06/11/1990 – 21/08/2019
“Forever Riding with Zac”

Son, friend, inspiration, adventurer, passionate biker, and always … Batman!!

The unique spirit of “the Zacness” ….
…. travels with us on all our journeys.

Zac left this world tragically and unexpectedly one mundane Wednesday morning, riding his beloved motorbike to work – and into the path of the fatal collision that took his life. He lived his life to the absolute max, and inspired & motivated so many… The ultimate enthusiast and gadget guy, his sparkly, loving, personality brightened up the lives of those he touched. A hilarious, totally off the wall nutter, while at the same time a profound thinker, and fiercely devoted to his family – his beautiful young wife, his dog – and all the rest of us he left behind.

Zac – indescribably much missed, and never ever forgotten.


A very special friend, Murray lost his heroic fight against a brain tumour, in May 2008. I believe he and Zac connected instantly when Zac crossed over, as they are identical in personality, in so many ways. Outdoor fanatics and lovers of knives and widgets and survival gear!

Tiennie and I inherited many of Murray’s gadgets, and these travel with us, all his mountaineering and outdoor hiking gear translated beautifully into the bike camping lifestyle!

Murray’s amazing Canoe-Sailing Epic (Delta to Delta) –
Botswana Makgadikgadi Pans 1996


We lost our brother in law Mike, in July of 2017. During the years we were privileged to have him in our lives, we shared many travels and adventures! Passionate about remote places, camping, wildlife, fly fishing, birding and photography, Mike loved road trips and was intrigued by our new biking mode of travel!

He would have so loved to visit all the places we have been to and to follow our adventures, and we often have a drink to him as we realise we are in a Mike-like dream destination! Our trip to Zambia in 2017, was in his honour…. his spirit is always with us, and his inspiration lives on in his two young boys left behind!

Mike on the Chobe River, in his element!